2016. szeptember 2., péntek

How to make an origami unicorn in 81 easy steps

I am not a big origami fan, but I saw this beautiful unicorn by Roman Diaz, and I became curious if I can do it. I used this tutorial, and I also took pictures of the process.

The first 28 steps were quite easy.

Step 34. was the first time, when I wanted to give up. Then I found a video tutorial on youtube, which saved the day. Sometimes I didn't undersand it either, but the two tutorials were good enough for me to finish my project.

Step 47. My unicorn looks like a goat.

Evolution of the unicorn.

After step 70. I've completely lost the thread again. And to top it all, inside the unicorn's head the paper started to split. Since I didn't find another solution, I just skipped the steps I didn't understand, and put the finishing touches to the unicorn.


I thought this project will be a disaster, and I'm surprised, that my unicorn is actually similar to the original one. At some point I wanted to give it a 3, because of the tutorials, but I like a lot the result, so let it be a 4/5.

1 megjegyzés:

  1. I made this unicorn also. Its looks pretie good, well done. For such a complex models I use bigger paper like A3 and also thinner.
